Monday, 17 November 2008

First Fruits...

This series of drawings contains a conceptual set of archaeological investigative armatures that straddle the dead vessels, seeking to measure the decaying materials to discover the alogrythms that are both inherent within the ecology that acts upon the vessels, and created by the inteface between the this existing ecology and the system that has invaded it (the dead or dying vessel).

Decay and movement occurs at differing speeds and along differing vectors relative to the materials involved and the parts of the local environment affecting them; water will not have the same effect as sediment will on timber, in the same way the timber and steel will react differently to immersion in either water or sediment. There is also the direction, scale, and force of the actions to be considered.

The above system looks to investigate the divorce of steel from timber; the force binding steel and timber previously was largely friction on it's own; friction was allowed through the bulbous turgidity of the timber cells prior to their decay; as this given changes under decay, the system is subject to paradigm shift, and eventually loses much of it's order:

More to follow...

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