Thursday, 23 October 2008

Purton Site Visit May 2008

Below is a selection of my own photographs taken earlier this year. At this stage I had no particular agenda, the site had triggered my interest because it represents a visual picture of one architecture decaying and in so doing creating a 2nd architecture. I took over 300 photos; here are just a few favourites...

For me this incredible place provides a complete spectrum of material life, decay, death and rebirth, or perhaps more accurately, reincarnation. Metals, timbers and aggregates are absolving themselves from the previous occupation of keeping a waterborne vessel afloat, instead now they are searching and feeling for the afterlife that exists immediately below the vegetation and sediment that are slowly consuming them.

The material strength of the vessels provides shelter from the daily attack of the tides, like an alien guardian protecting the indigenous sediments from the perennial neighbouring invader; the Severn River.

In addition to these residents, the new topographies have invited other foreign entities, such as tyres, tubes, wheels, pipes, grills and many more. Whether these elements can settle and contribute to the local ecology and economy remains to be seen... perhaps it is up to the designer to find them a place to exist within the grand scheme...

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